Category - Solar
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Will Scholfield, Engineer

22 Feb : Updated 4 Apr ● 6 min read

Pigeon-proofing solar panels - Is it necessary?

Over the years, many homeowners have noticed an increase in pigeons nesting on their roofs between their solar panels. And, whilst it doesn't significantly impact the operation of your solar panels, pigeons are notorious for spreading disease, releasing nasty pathogens into the atmosphere and making a racket wherever they roost.

With this in mind, for the health of your household and the performance of your solar panels, it’s best to take steps to avoid pigeons nesting under your solar panels.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through what to do to ensure that you and your family are the only ones benefiting from your solar energy.

How do pigeons impact your solar panels?

Unlike most birds, pigeons need cover over their heads when nesting, and they nest all year round in the UK. Unfortunately, the gap between solar panels and the roof is like a dream come true for birds, especially pigeons.

As well as making a mess and potentially spreading disease, pigeons may affect your solar panels in these four ways: 

1. Damage caused by corrosion

Pigeon droppings contain substances that can harm solar panel surfaces. Continuous exposure may cause the panel’s protective coating to deteriorate - reducing how well the panels absorb sunlight. 

Additionally, pigeons' sharp claws can damage or scratch the surface of the panels, further decreasing their effectiveness.

2. Electrical components at risk

As pigeons navigate your solar panel system, their actions and motions can damage wiring connections, resulting in short circuits or even total electrical failure. This may lead to a decrease in power output or, in certain situations, the inability of the panels.

3. Nesting and debris on and between the panels

While your solar panels will provide cover from the elements, pigeons will make nests from twigs to keep themselves warm. The material and debris from nest-making will accumulate quickly, obstructing your panels, reducing ventilation, and affecting their performance.

This buildup may impact your solar panels' performance and efficiency over time.

4. Requires regular cleaning and maintenance

Whilst solar panels are known as a low-maintenance source of renewable energy, if you have a pigeon problem, you'll likely be cleaning them more often. You must clean pigeon droppings regularly to avoid damage and maintain a solar panel's optimal performance. Moreover, the accumulation of pigeon fouling on the panels, gutters, and surrounding areas can obstruct sunlight absorption and be a potential health hazard. 

Regular solar panel services can ensure early detection of pigeons nesting and reduce the risk of pigeon problems persisting. 

To better understand how to maintain and prevent any solar-related problems, look at our guide on how solar panels work to help you prevent any avoidable situations. By taking good care of your solar panel system in the first instance, you'll see them perform optimally, reducing your energy bills.

mopping pigeon mess off solar panels

How does pigeon-proofing solar panels work?

Pigeon-proofing solar panels involves building a barrier between the panels and the roof. To achieve this, install a border around the perimeter of the solar panels to prevent pigeons from gaining access.

Unfortunately, once pigeons have made a home on your roof, getting rid of them can be hard work. So preparing for this before solar installation is a much wiser, proactive move than trying to fix a current infestation. If you do find pigeons nesting in amongst your solar panels, we recommend speaking to expert installers or engineers to see how they can help rather than attempting to tackle the problem yourself.

Here are the general steps to prevent pigeons from nesting on your solar panels:

  1. Install bird mesh to curb a pigeon infestation: You can stop pigeons from nesting underneath solar panels by installing chicken wire or bird mesh around the outer edge of your solar panels. Remember, installing bird mesh can be challenging and should only be attempted by someone with prior bird eradication knowledge.
  2. Fit bird netting around the panels: Another worthy method of preventing pigeons from nesting is fitting netting around the panels. Bird netting prevents them from entering their desired area and setting up shop.
  3. Anti-roosting spikes: These are a viable option for people looking to deter pigeons. However, recent studies have shown that some species of birds have found ways, and somewhat evolved, to use the anti-roosting spikes to build their nests. Over time, these may not be the most viable option for those looking to stop pigeons' nesting.
  4. Keeping your garden clean: What might seem like a simple solution, ensuring your garden is kept clean, is a surefire way to keep unwanted pests at bay. This is because you are mitigating their opportunity to find substances and food waste to feed on. Keeping your bins tightly sealed and any rubbish cleared away can prevent pigeons from being attracted to your home.

How much does it cost to pigeon-proof solar panels?

The cost of pigeon-proofing solar panels varies according to the size and type of panels protected. A mesh or netting system typically costs between £50-£100 per metre. As a result, pigeon-proofing an average-sized solar panel of 2 square metres will cost between £300 and £600.

For further clarity, look at our guide on the types of solar panels to get a better estimate of the size of pigeon-proofing you may need to undertake.

pigeon on a solar panelled roof

Do I need to pigeon-proof my solar panels?

It is entirely up to you, the homeowner, if you want to pigeon-proof your solar panels. With most things, it is easier to prevent the problem before it arises, and because pigeons nest all year round, it’s best to do it during installation or immediately after. Allowing the problem to build up will only make it more difficult to eradicate in the future. You can get quotes from local pigeon-proofing services to arrange this.

Is pigeon-proofing solar panels essential?

Removing pigeons from solar panels has seen a huge surge in the past decade. As the problem arises, homeowners, landlords and building managers have experienced sleepless nights trying to rectify the situation. Gone are the days of pigeons nesting in your chimney, as solar panels are a much cosier alternative with more effective protection.

As mentioned above, the impact pigeons have on a solar operating system is only slight if the problem persists for a long period. However, by keeping on top of the maintenance and not allowing them to nest, you'll get more out of your solar panels and continue to save on your energy bills.

So whilst it may not feel like an essential part of the solar installation, preventing pigeons from accessing the space beneath the panels will help reduce these concerns and ensure your solar energy system performs well.

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